

的 约翰霍普金斯医生办公室 (OJHP) was established to coordinate the activities of the Clinical Practice Association, Johns Hopkins Community Physicians 和 all physicians now part of or joining 约翰霍普金斯医学院 (JHM), 不论实体或地点. OJHP will ensure that the necessary resources 和 coordination are in place to allow all physicians to support 约翰霍普金斯医学院 和 its mission.

To ensure that OJHP has the broadest possible perspective on 和 influence across Johns Hopkins, the new office works with other key groups 和 people within JHM. 例如, the new Johns Hopkins 健康 System senior vice president for the Community Division, the presidents of the member hospitals 和 the vice presidents for medical affairs at each of the member hospitals will coordinate physician activities in their respective areas with the OJHP.

OJHP develops overall guidelines 和 parameters to assist in the development of new physician offices, physician activities 和 physician engagement throughout JHM. 除了, it works in partnership with Johns Hopkins 健康 Plans as JHM responds to health care reform 和 moves forward with the development of the new Johns Hopkins care delivery model.


OJHP is responsible for assessing the current state of Johns Hopkins physicians, examining unmet physician needs throughout the JHM family, developing strategies for meeting current 和 unmet needs for Johns Hopkins physician services 和 ensuring, 在所有这些努力中, that Johns Hopkins physicians are supported in a way that fosters Johns Hopkins’ tripartite mission. 的 vision is to create clinical integration among all physicians within JHM, leading to a patient-centered care delivery system anchored in research 和 education.


OJHP coordinates the activities not only of the 临床执业协会 和 约翰霍普金斯大学社区医生, but also the activities of all physicians now part of or joining the JHM family, 无论在JHM中的实体或位置, including physicians who are employed by JHCP, employed by the Johns Hopkins community hospitals as hospitalists 和 employed through health system affiliates 和 those with whom affiliates have aligned. 的 office ensures that the necessary planning committees are put in place, that resources are made available 和 that coordination takes place to support Johns Hopkins physicians 和 in turn JHM.

的 office oversees the engagement of Johns Hopkins physicians. 的 Clinical Physician Recruitment Guiding Principles build a process for the engagement of all new community specialists 和 hospitalists throughout JHM. 通过这个过程, the Johns Hopkins University 医学院 directors will be involved in the recruitment 和 quality oversight of these Johns Hopkins physicians, while still meeting the clinical needs of our community affiliates.

除了, the office coordinates administrative services to support Johns Hopkins physician practices wherever they are located. This provider support function will use existing JHM resources to the extent possible, but will advocate for additional resources as needed for this function.



Chief Medical Officer, Johns Hopkins Clinical Alliance


Helicke, Melissa, M.B.A., M.H.A.

Vice President 和 COO, 约翰霍普金斯医生办公室
Executive Director, Clinical Practice Association

克拉维特,史蒂文·杰伊,m.s.D., M.B.A.

President, Johns Hopkins Community Physicians




  • 临床优秀奖
  • 管理式医疗承包


  • 步操作
  • 流动的策略
  • 访问服务
  • 行政预防保健
  • 专业费账单
  • 医师对齐与签约


  • 临床集成
  • 临床途径和方案
  • Ambulatory Surgery Center Coordinating Council


  • FQHC
  • 护理总费用
  • NCR提供商对齐


  • 史诗和健康IT战略和协调
  • 数据治理和分析


  • 供应商资格审查

Scott Berkowitz, m.m.D.

  • 负责护理

Stephen Sisson, m.s.D.

  • 约翰霍普金斯医学院 步操作, 质量、安全、服务
  • 约翰霍普金斯医疗管理公司


  • 初级保健战略
  • 门诊质量与安全
  • 门诊推荐十大正规网赌平台满意度
  • 马里兰卡式肺囊虫肺炎


  • 数字健康与创新



的 约翰霍普金斯医生办公室 continues to exp和 和 grow in the number of faculty members, 门诊地点, 以及门诊就诊.  Currently, OJHP is comprised of over 2,100 physicians.  Annual ambulatory outpatient visits currently total 2.800万年.  Ambulatory services are currently provided on 52 campuses in four states (MD, PA, VA, FL) 和 DC.

Additionally, our clinical specialties rank among the highest in the nation.  Among the top specialty rankings for adult patients are Rheumatology (ranked #1), 神经病学和神经外科(排名第2), 和耳朵, 鼻子 & 喉咙,胃肠病学 & 胃肠道手术, 和 Ophthalmology (ranked #3) nationwide.

今年, seven of Johns Hopkins Children's Center's specialties were ranked among the top 10 nationally, 有两个进入了前五名. Please join us in congratulating the following divisions on their rankings:

  • # 4:新生儿学
  • # 5:神经病学 & 神经外科
  • # 6:癌症
  • # 7:泌尿外科
  • # 9:胃肠病学 & 胃肠道手术

  • # 10:骨科
  • # 10:肺学
  • # 11:肾脏学
  • # 12:糖尿病 & 内分泌学
  • # 34:心脏病学 & 心脏手术

We are also pleased to report that Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital in St. Petersburg, Florida, ranked nationally in three specialties: Neurology & 神经外科,心脏病 & 心脏外科和整形外科. For a complete list of the Best Children's Hospitals, please visit the U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 网站.