
Our NICU provides the highest level of advanced care for premature and critically ill infants.

The team in our neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is dedicated to treating infants who need the highest level of care. Led by a team of more than 25 neonatologists experienced in treating the most challenging cases, our NICU has a Level IV designation from the Florida Agency for 健康 Care Administration (AHCA). 可用的最高级别, this designation means that our NICU team provides the most advanced life support and monitoring technology for premature and critically ill infants.


Babies born prematurely need monitoring and treatment to ensure their lungs, 心脏和其他器官正常工作. The neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is a special area of the hospital dedicated to caring for them.

For these infants and those born with birth defects or other complications, the right equipment combined with the right therapy at the right time can make all the difference in helping them get healthy.

了解更多 about the different types of specialists who provide care in the NICU.


在约翰霍普金斯儿童医院的新生儿重症监护室, 我们照顾患有各种疾病的婴儿, 包括:


We use advanced therapies and the latest technology to treat infants in the NICU. 我们的治疗和服务包括: 

  • 母乳库: Handles the storage, processing and distribution of mother's own breast milk for each infant. Donor breast milk is also available for our most premature infants.
  • 体外膜氧合(ECMO)治疗 A form of heart-lung bypass used to strengthen baby’s heart and lungs, 让他们重获力量, 常用于准备手术. 
  • 喂食管: Help deliver formula or breast milk if an infant is unable to bottle or breast feed.
  • 胎儿监测: 用来持续监测宝宝的生命体征.
  • 一氧化氮: Helps babies with persistent pulmonary hypertension (a type of high blood pressure that affects the lungs) breathe easier by opening blood vessels in the lungs.
  • 光线疗法: Used to treat jaundice (a common condition in which the skin and whites of the eyes turn yellow). 也可以使用特殊的光疗毯. 
  • 最先进的孵化器: 保证最小的早产儿的安全和温暖.
  • 全身冷却系统: Used to treat babies deprived of blood or oxygen during birth and protect the brain from further injury.
  • 豆荚婴儿身体组成系统: Measures the body composition of infants and helps optimize nutrition for premature babies. 

Kassiani Thrives With Help From 约翰霍普金斯儿童医院

Kassiani was born with Down syndrome and several life-threatening complications, but the neonatal intensive care unit team and other specialists from Johns Hopkins All Children's were with her and her family every step of the way.


每天早上, your infant’s care team will complete morning rounds at the bedside, discussing your infant’s condition and any changes to the care plan. 我们的护理计划以家庭为中心, meaning parents and caregivers are encouraged to spend as much time as possible in their infant’s room and participate in discussions and ask questions.

父母可以一天24小时陪着他们的孩子. 如果你不在的话, your doctor or nurse practitioner will reach you by phone to update you and answer your questions. Each NICU bed is also equipped with a password-protected livestream system, that parents can use to see their baby when they are not able to be in the NICU, 或者与家人和朋友分享.

Family meetings may be scheduled outside of “morning rounds” to discuss your infant’s progress and are periodically scheduled with other specialists who may be involved in your infant’s care. 

“Hands-on” time is when doctors or nurses are physically touching and assessing your baby. Parents visiting during hands-on time are encouraged to participate in the care of their baby. This includes taking baby’s temperature, changing diapers and helping with feedings. Once your baby is medically stable, we can assist parents in participating in 袋鼠式护理, which helps parents bond with their baby and provides other health benefits.

In the NICU, parents and family members are welcome to use our family education and waiting rooms. We also offer several classes and activities to support our families during their baby's stay in the NICU, as well as teaching at the bedside with our nurses to help parents in caring for their baby’s unique needs. We offer parents use of an tablet that is connected to the GetWell Network, 哪些网站为家长提供了有用的信息和教育.

在放电, we will work with you to schedule the necessary follow-up appointments for your child with the appropriate specialists.


心肺复苏: Parents of NICU patients are required to complete an in-house infant CPR class before discharge. The class teaches parents how to recognize a medical emergency and to respond quickly and competently until help arrives.


Please see our 访客信息 page for detailed information on our visitor policies.   


Our NICU team also operates in and provides supportive services to regional hospital NICUs within our care network, 包括佛罗里达布兰登医院, 佛罗里达三一医院, 佛罗里达街HCA. 彼得堡医院, 莱克伍德牧场医疗中心, 海牛纪念, 威尼斯的萨拉索塔纪念医院和萨拉索塔纪念医院. 这些合作有助于提供更多的先进技术, 在整个地区为新生儿提供专门护理.



